
TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2022

Session 1: JOINT SESSION MINT-IISART: Overview of the Rehabilitation Technology Education Landscape – How Can We Join Efforts? / 11:45 - 13:15

In the past, several organizations, such as the IISART education group, the European Robotics Summer School, the CEN, the MiNT Program, the ACRM and the Motus Academy have recognized the need for education in rehabilitation technology. As programs are starting to be developed and implemented, users might find it difficult to know about them, and to select a program that best meets their needs. As the field is still young, most organizers are also basing their program on their own experiences. In this session, we present some of the educational offers and discuss how we can best learn from each other. Speakers will introduce their respective programs. This will be followed by a panel discussion about the common interests and where we can all join forces to improve education for all. Finally, there will be a small “networking” event, where individuals can approach and chat with the representatives from the different programs and discuss opportunities.


Intro by session chairs Martina Spiess and Alison Watt


Each program representative explains their Rehabilitation Technology education efforts in 3-5min.

·        MiNT represented by Alison Watt

·        ACRM represented by Deborah Backus and John Morris

·        ER2 school represented by Alessandro Giustini (recorded presentation)

·        Motus Academy represented by Robert Riener

·        IISART represented by José López Sánchez

·        International Master in RehabTech by Politechnico di Milano represented by Alessandra Pedrocchi


Discussion about similarities, differences, and especially opportunities to join forces to push RehabTech education forward together. What do we have with regards to education in Rehabilitation Technology, what do we still need, how can we all reach our goals faster?


Marketplace –Each program will have a table in the hall and attendees can chat with the representatives and get information about the different programs.


Session 2: Guided Hands-on Session in the Exhibition / 17:00 - 18:30

In this session, attendees will have the chance to gain some hands on experience in a guided tour to selected booths in the exhibition. The session will contain an introductory presentation about the research state of the art, mostly focused on lower extremity devices, after which the attendees will split up in groups and get to see, try and discuss the respective devices right away at the booths in the exhibition.


Overview over the lower extremity literature, lecture in the INRS hall, TBA


Group allocation and moving to the exhibition hall 


Five groups stay at each booth for 15min and rotate from booth to booth.

The following IISART companies are participating in this session:

·        Tyromotion with the Lexo, Pablo LE, Omego and Tymo

·        Fourier with the ExoMotus M4, CycleMotus A4, CycleMotus B2L, BalanceMotus KINE-SIM, CycleMotus H1, AirFortis and ShockwaveFortis

·        THERA-music with the Tigo  

·        ABLE Humon Motion with the ABLE Exoskeleton

·        Restorative Therapies with the RT300 and Xcite Clinical Station



Session 3 / 11:45 - 13:15

For this session, we will be joining forces again with the MiNT program to discuss how clinicians and companies can collaborate to educate clinicians and to create useful data, that can be used to improve technologies and their application.

Title: Education through MiNT Academy - Transforming Clinicians into Clinical Device Specialists and Extracting Data for Companies

Helen Hobbs, Director (Hobbs Rehabilitation, UK)
Alison Watt, Specialist Neurological and Research Physiotherapist (Hobbs Rehabilitation, UK)
Rachael Edwards, Specialist Neurological Occupational Therapist (Hobbs Rehabilitation, UK)
Chrissy Bibby, Specialist Neurological Speech and Language Therapist (Hobbs Rehabilitation, UK)
Amy Dennis-Jones, Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist (Hobbs Rehabilitation, UK)
Adam Parkinson, Clinical Application Specialist (Tyromotion, Austria)

Session 4: Guided Hands-on Session in the Exhibition / 17:00 - 18:30

In this session, attendees will have the chance to gain some hands on experience in a guided tour to selected booths in the exhibition. The session will contain an introductory presentation about the research state of the art mainly focused on upper extremity technology, after which the attendees will split up in groups and get to see, try and discuss the respective devices right away at the booths in the exhibition.


Overview over the upper extremity literature, lecture in the INRS hall, provided by Sarah Daniel


Group allocation and moving to the exhibition hall


Five groups stay at each booth for 15min and rotate from booth to booth.

The following IISART companies are participating in this session:

·        Bioservo with the Carbonhand

·        Tyromotion with the Amadeo, Diego, Myro, Pablo and Arys

·        Fourier with the ArmMotus M2 Pro, ArmMotus EMU, WristMotus M1-W, HandyRehab, OTParvos, RestoreFortis MyndMove

·        THERA-Trainer with the Bemo

.        Aaretech with the ZeroG Gait and Balance System



Session 5: What Kind of Research Project do we Need Now and in the Future? / 11:45 - 13:15

Over the last 20 years, there has been a lot of research on the application of rehabilitation technology. However, with currently used study designs, and constraints due to ethics, reimbursement structures, clinic organizations or other don’t seem to optimize the use of rehabilitation technology within these studies. For example, while we are all aware that technology should be used to intensify therapy, many studies still match for therapy time provided. Also, while we are aware that technology has the best effect on those most affected and early after injury, many studies still include individuals with mild functional deficits in a chronic state. In this session we ask ourselves if the traditional study designs are still the way to go or if we should open our minds to other ways of providing evidence. We ask ourselves what the big topics are and if we really still need dose-matched effectiveness studies. Speakers will share examples of their own daily life and struggles and attendees will discuss in small groups what they think is important for the future and where the field needs to go.


Leslie VanHiel
Betsey Jansen
Markus Wirz
Jane Burridge

Session available on-demand after the conference

Due to health- and pandemic-related obstacles, the traditional session sponsored by the WFNR cannot take place live at the RehabWeek this year. However, the speakers will record their presentations and they will be available to you on demand for streaming after the conference.

Update on Technology Advances in Neurorehabilitation

Speaker: Andres Mayr (Austria)
Title of the talk: Where are We with Robotic Therapy?

Speaker: Cornelius Angerhöfer (Germany)
Title of the talk: Rehab Application for Brain-Computer Interfaces

Speaker: Michael Kaldasch (NL and UAR)
Title of the talk: Digital Technologies in the Metaverse: Applications for Neurorehabilitation

Session Organized by the WFNR

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