TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2022
Session 1: Big Data / 11:45 - 13:15
Title: Integrating Data and Metrics into Clinical Practice
Presenters: Pamela Roberts, Jeffrey Wertheimer
Title: Association of functional recovery with occupational therapy time and content for inpatient adults with acquired brain injury using electronic health record (EHR) data
Presenters: Alison Cogan, Pamela Roberts
Title: Rehabilitation Service Intensity in Home Health and Impact on Health Outcomes
Presenter: Chih-Ying Li (Cynthia Li)
Session 2: Big Data / 17:00 - 18:30
Title: Sensor-based physical activity and indoor localization as complement to therapist assessments
Presenters: Pamela Roberts, Ramin Ramzani
Title: Emerging tools for integrating multiple data sources to support therapeutic interventions in the home and community
Presenters: George Collier, Deborah Backus
Title: Fireside Chat
Moderators: Pamela Roberts and Deborah Backus
All Big Data Speakers and RehabWeek attendees
Session 3: Telehealth and Remote Therapy / 11:45 - 13:15
Title: Advances in Technology Supported Interventions for Speech-Language Therapy: NEUROAGE, Psychosocial Group Intervention, Humanoid Robots, Better Conversations, and Long-term Planning and Assessment of Competencies for Assistive Technologies
Presenters: Fofi Constantinidou, Eva Pettemeridou, Veronica Montanaro
Session 4: Telehealth and Remote Therapy / 17:00 - 18:30
Title: Non-invasive Methodologies for Monitoring and Treating neurobehavioral Deficits
Presenters: Eva Pettemeridou, Fofi Constantinidou, Alexander Sack
Title: Tele-health Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in Adults with Post-stroke Upper-extremity Hemiparesis
Presenters: Lynne Gauthier, Alexandra Borstad, Gitendra Uswatte
Title: Sustainable telerehabilitation models of care, guiding principles, reimbursement policies– View from the United States
Presenter: Tammy Richmond
Session 5: Emerging Rehab Technologies: State of the Art / 11:45 - 13:15
Title: Adherence to Home Exercise Programs – Clinician Expectations and Goal Setting
Presenters: John Morris
Title: Using Digital Technologies to Monitor and Manage Daily Functional Behaviors in Stroke Survivors
Presenter: Alex Wong
Session 6: User Engagement in Rehab Tech Development / 15:40 - 17:10
Title: Factors affecting patient engagement and use in digital self-monitoring and strategies to promote engagement in technology-based interventions
Presenter: Alex Wong
Title: Manual wheelchair propulsion efficiency: Which design choices are most important?
Presenter: Jacob Misch
Title: Fireside Chat –Emerging Rehabilitation Technology Paradigms: Discoveries from
Moderator: Pamela Roberts
All ACRM speakers and RehabWeek attendees
Title: Big data to telehealth, sensors, tDCS and user engagement
Moderator: Deborah Backus
All ACRM speakers and RehabWeek attendees